Of course men don’t understand women! We’re raised all our lives being told that showing too much interest in things that women do is a sign of being unmanly (and therefore a target for harassment and ridicule, if not outright violence). We’re essentially prohibited from learning anything that would aid in understanding women.
Since most men continue to be raised mostly by women, I feel that perhaps the way that women raise boys might have something to do with the cluelessness men notoriously have about women.
looks like Angel Bay K.O.d Devil Bay.
Nest stop HRC, I suppose.
Uh oh, I hope that vomiting wasn’t a sign of time paradox.
“I’m fine, Berry. The important thing is, did you re-make the couch?”
“Insightful one moment, totally dim the next.” Yeah, that describes 80% of the guys I know – including me.
Of course men don’t understand women! We’re raised all our lives being told that showing too much interest in things that women do is a sign of being unmanly (and therefore a target for harassment and ridicule, if not outright violence). We’re essentially prohibited from learning anything that would aid in understanding women.
Yeah, modern society is pretty fucked up in regards to how it treats pre-adults. Hell, how it treats adults, too.
Since most men continue to be raised mostly by women, I feel that perhaps the way that women raise boys might have something to do with the cluelessness men notoriously have about women.
As Frank Sinatra would say, “And regrets, I’ve had a few”
where’s the next page?
CD said on Jeanie Bottle that he’s been busy this week. Probably extends to this.
Indeed, I’ve been extremely busy this week and have not had the time to sit down long enough to make any comics.
Hopefully I’ll get sometime this evening.
There’s a new page done and edited, and ready to go for Friday.