Bay Smith is a main character. Once a guy, she was turned into a girl several years ago. She keeps this fact a secret, and only a handful of people know.
She's now a struggling actress whose roommate is actually her daughter from an alternate future timeline.
Was Brad this big of a ditz too?
In the timey wimey story arc Bay clearly made some bad choices with her life in regards to her transformation. Like not checking on her rights, or with her union agreement.
Ah shoot, I just noticed that I missed a typo in panel 2, but I can’t fix it because I’m out of town for Thanksgiving weekend.
Just… Pretend that “then” is a “than”, please. 🙂
I am fairly certain that if Bay and Berry had a long enough conversation, Bay would maybe figure out Berry is her. Or not.
Was Brad this big of a ditz too?
In the timey wimey story arc Bay clearly made some bad choices with her life in regards to her transformation. Like not checking on her rights, or with her union agreement.
At least Bay is consistant.
I guess Bay and Berry have similar taste in clothes