883 : This May Get Confusing Jun17 by Robert on June 17, 2015 at 12:45 am Chapter: Story 10a: Here and AfterCharacters: Heather, Honey Sorry for the slightly late post, folks. Totally my fault. └ Tags: Heather, Honey
I love the way the cars look in the first panel. But seriously though, Jeanie’s hair doesn’t look that much like Honey’s.
I hate it when people answer only the questions that are asked, and not the questions they know are coming.
I wonder why Honey let her hair down?
She probably prefers it down.
Are they driving on the left side of the road?
Oh my… that’s amusing.
I could probably fix that pretty easily… but maybe Heather is just a REALLY bad driver?
But the oncoming traffic is also in the incorrect lane.
I would also be confused